11 Homemade Laundry Soap Recipes for Homeowners



Homemade Laundry Soap Recipes

Making your own laundry soap can be a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to store-bought detergents. By using homemade laundry soap, you have control over the ingredients, allowing you to customize the formula to suit your needs. In this section, we will explore why making your own laundry soap is beneficial and safety considerations to keep in mind when creating these recipes.

Why Make Your Own Laundry Soap?

There are several compelling reasons to consider making your own laundry soap.

Cost-effectiveness: Homemade laundry soap can be significantly cheaper than commercial detergents. By using simple ingredients, you can save money in the long run, especially if you have a large household or frequently do laundry.

Control over ingredients: By making your own laundry soap, you have the power to choose the ingredients that go into it. This is especially important for individuals with sensitive skin or allergies, as you can avoid harsh chemicals or fragrances that may cause irritation.

Reduced environmental impact: Homemade laundry soap often utilizes natural and biodegradable ingredients, reducing the impact on the environment compared to conventional detergents. Additionally, making your own soap reduces the need for excessive packaging, further reducing waste.

Customization: Homemade laundry soap recipes can be tailored to your specific preferences. You can experiment with different scents, adjust the strength of the detergent, or even create specialized formulas for different types of fabrics.

Safety Considerations for Homemade Laundry Soap

While homemade laundry soap can be a great alternative, it’s important to consider a few safety considerations:

Caution with ingredients: Some ingredients used in homemade laundry soap, such as borax or washing soda, may cause skin irritation or be harmful if ingested. It’s crucial to handle these ingredients with care, use appropriate protective gear (such as gloves), and keep them out of reach of children and pets.

Compatibility with washing machines: Homemade laundry soap recipes may not be suitable for all types of washing machines. High-efficiency (HE) machines, in particular, may require specific formulations. Always check the manufacturer’s guidelines for compatibility before using homemade laundry soap in your machine.

Proper storage: Store your homemade laundry soap in a tightly sealed container, away from moisture and direct sunlight. This helps maintain its effectiveness and prevents deterioration.

By following these safety considerations and guidelines, you can enjoy the benefits of homemade laundry soap without compromising your well-being or the quality of your laundry. For alternative laundry detergent substitutes and more DIY laundry detergent recipes, be sure to check out our related articles on laundry soap alternatives and diy laundry detergent recipes.

Basic Ingredients and Supplies

Before diving into the various homemade laundry soap recipes, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the common ingredients and essential supplies needed to make your own laundry soap.

Common Ingredients for Homemade Laundry Soap

When it comes to making homemade laundry soap, there are several common ingredients that you will come across in many recipes. These ingredients are often readily available and can be found in grocery stores or online. Here are some of the most commonly used ingredients:

  1. Bar Soap: Bar soap serves as the primary cleansing agent in many homemade laundry soap recipes. You can choose from a variety of bar soaps, including castile soap, homemade soap, or even plain unscented soap.
  2. Washing Soda: Washing soda, also known as soda ash or sodium carbonate, is a powerful cleaning agent that helps remove stains and odors from clothes. It is an alkaline compound that boosts the cleaning power of the laundry soap.
  3. Borax: Borax, a naturally occurring mineral, is another common ingredient in homemade laundry soap. It helps to soften water, remove stains, and enhance the cleaning efficiency of the soap.
  4. Baking Soda: Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is a versatile ingredient that can be used in homemade laundry soap recipes. It helps to freshen clothes, neutralize odors, and enhance the cleaning process.
  5. Essential Oils: Essential oils are often added to homemade laundry soap recipes to provide a pleasant fragrance. They can also have additional benefits, such as antimicrobial properties or natural stain-fighting abilities.

Essential Supplies for Making Homemade Laundry Soap

In addition to the ingredients, there are a few essential supplies you will need to make your own laundry soap. These supplies can be easily obtained from local stores or online retailers. Here are the essential supplies:

  1. Grater or Food Processor: Depending on the recipe, you may need a grater or food processor to grate or finely chop the bar soap. This helps in dissolving the soap effectively during the washing process.
  2. Mixing Bowl: A mixing bowl is essential for combining the ingredients and creating the laundry soap mixture. Choose a bowl that is large enough to hold all the ingredients and allows for easy stirring.
  3. Measuring Tools: Accurate measurements are crucial for successful homemade laundry soap recipes. Make sure you have measuring cups, spoons, or a kitchen scale to measure the precise amounts of ingredients.
  4. Storage Container: Once you’ve prepared your homemade laundry soap, you’ll need a suitable storage container to keep it in. Opt for an airtight container that protects the soap from moisture and helps preserve its effectiveness.

By understanding the common ingredients and essential supplies, you can confidently embark on creating your own homemade laundry soap. Each recipe may have its own unique variations, but having these basic ingredients and supplies on hand will set you up for success.

Powdered Laundry Soap Recipes

For those who prefer the convenience and versatility of powdered laundry soap, there are several homemade recipes available. Powdered laundry soap is easy to make and often requires just a few simple ingredients. Below, we’ll explore two popular powdered laundry soap recipes: Basic Borax and Washing Soda and Borax-Free Laundry Soap.

Recipe 1: Basic Borax and Washing Soda


  • 1 cup borax
  • 1 cup washing soda
  • Optional: 1/2 cup baking soda for added cleaning power
  • Optional: 10-15 drops of essential oil for fragrance (such as lavender or lemon)


  1. In a mixing bowl, combine the borax, washing soda, and baking soda (if using). Mix well to ensure even distribution.
  2. If desired, add 10-15 drops of your preferred essential oil to the mixture. This step is optional but can provide a pleasant scent to your laundry.
  3. Transfer the powdered mixture to an airtight container for storage.
  4. To use, add 1-2 tablespoons of the homemade powdered laundry soap to each load of laundry, depending on the size and dirtiness of the load.
  5. For heavily soiled clothes, pretreat stains with a paste made from the powdered laundry soap and a small amount of water before washing.

Recipe 2: Borax-Free Laundry Soap


  • 1 cup washing soda
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 1 cup grated castile soap or homemade soap flakes
  • Optional: 10-15 drops of essential oil for fragrance (such as lavender or citrus)


  1. In a mixing bowl, combine the washing soda, baking soda, and grated castile soap (or homemade soap flakes). Mix well to ensure even distribution.
  2. If desired, add 10-15 drops of your preferred essential oil to the mixture. This step is optional but can add a pleasant scent to your laundry.
  3. Transfer the powdered mixture to an airtight container for storage.
  4. To use, add 1-2 tablespoons of the homemade powdered laundry soap to each load of laundry.
  5. For heavily soiled clothes, pretreat stains with a paste made from the powdered laundry soap and a small amount of water before washing.

By utilizing these homemade powdered laundry soap recipes, you can effectively clean your clothes while avoiding the potential irritants or chemicals found in commercial laundry detergents.

Liquid Laundry Soap Recipes

For those who prefer liquid laundry soap over powdered options, there are homemade recipes that can be easily prepared. Two popular liquid laundry soap recipes are Liquid Castile Soap and Washing Soda and Soap Nut Liquid Laundry Soap.

Recipe 3: Liquid Castile Soap and Washing Soda


  • 1 cup liquid castile soap
  • 1/2 cup washing soda
  • 4 cups hot water
  • Optional: Essential oils for fragrance (e.g., lavender, citrus)


  1. In a large container, combine the liquid castile soap and washing soda.
  2. Add hot water to the mixture and stir until the washing soda dissolves completely.
  3. If desired, add a few drops of essential oils for fragrance. Note that this step is optional.
  4. Transfer the liquid soap to a storage container, such as a glass jar or a plastic bottle with a secure lid.
  5. Shake the container before each use to ensure the ingredients are well-mixed.
  6. Use the liquid laundry soap as you would with any commercial laundry detergent. Follow the instructions on your washing machine for the appropriate amount to use.

Recipe 4: Soap Nut Liquid Laundry Soap


  • 15-20 soap nuts
  • 6 cups water


  1. Place the soap nuts and water in a saucepan.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil and then reduce the heat to a simmer.
  3. Allow the soap nuts to simmer in the water for about 30 minutes.
  4. Remove the saucepan from heat and let it cool.
  5. Once cooled, strain the liquid into a storage container, discarding the soap nuts.
  6. The resulting liquid is your soap nut liquid laundry soap.
  7. Use the soap nut liquid as you would with any other liquid laundry detergent. Follow the instructions on your washing machine for the appropriate amount to use.

These liquid laundry soap recipes provide a natural and cost-effective alternative to store-bought detergents. Whether you choose to make Liquid Castile Soap and Washing Soda or Soap Nut Liquid Laundry Soap, these homemade options can be gentle on your clothes and the environment.

Natural Laundry Soap Recipes

For those who prefer natural alternatives for laundry soap, here are two recipes that you can easily make at home: Homemade Soap Flakes Laundry Soap and Soapwort Laundry Soap.

Recipe 5: Homemade Soap Flakes Laundry Soap


  • 1 cup of grated bar soap (unscented or scented)
  • 1 cup of washing soda
  • 1 cup of borax (optional for added cleaning power)


  1. Grate the bar soap using a cheese grater or food processor.
  2. In a bowl, combine the grated soap, washing soda, and borax (if using). Mix well to ensure even distribution.
  3. Store the mixture in an airtight container.


  • Use 1-2 tablespoons of the homemade soap flakes laundry soap per load, depending on the size and dirtiness of the laundry.
  • Add the homemade soap flakes directly to the washing machine drum or dissolve them in warm water before adding them to the machine.

Recipe 6: Soapwort Laundry Soap


  • 1 cup of soapwort root or 1/4 cup of dried soapwort leaves
  • 4 cups of water


  1. In a saucepan, combine the soapwort root or leaves with water.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and let it simmer for 30 minutes.
  3. Remove the saucepan from heat and allow the mixture to cool.
  4. Strain the liquid into a container, discarding the soapwort root or leaves.
  5. Store the soapwort liquid in an airtight container.


  • Use 1/4 to 1/2 cup of the soapwort laundry soap per load, depending on the size and dirtiness of the laundry.
  • Add the soapwort liquid to the washing machine drum or use it as a pre-soak solution for heavily soiled items.

These natural laundry soap recipes offer an alternative to store-bought detergents, allowing you to have more control over the ingredients used in your laundry routine. Experiment with these recipes and adjust the quantities as needed.  By making your own natural laundry soap, you not only have control over the ingredients but also contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle. Enjoy the satisfaction of clean and fresh laundry while using recipes that are gentle on your clothes and the environment.

Scented Laundry Soap Recipes

For those looking to add a delightful fragrance to their laundry, scented laundry soap recipes are the way to go. By incorporating natural scents, such as essential oils or citrus peels, you can elevate your laundry experience. Here are two scented laundry soap recipes to try:

Recipe 7: Lavender Essential Oil Laundry Soap


  • 1 bar of grated soap (castile or homemade soap)
  • 1 cup of washing soda
  • 1/2 cup of borax
  • 30-40 drops of lavender essential oil


  1. In a bowl, combine the grated soap, washing soda, and borax.
  2. Add the lavender essential oil to the mixture and stir well to distribute the scent evenly.
  3. Store the scented laundry soap in an airtight container.

To use this lavender essential oil laundry soap, add approximately 1-2 tablespoons to each load of laundry. Adjust the amount based on the size of the load and the level of dirtiness. Enjoy the calming aroma of lavender as your clothes are washed.

Recipe 8: Citrus Peel Laundry Soap


  • Peels from 3-4 citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit, etc.)
  • 1 cup of boiling water
  • 1 bar of grated soap (castile or homemade soap)
  • 1 cup of washing soda
  • 1/2 cup of borax


  1. Place the citrus peels in a heat-resistant container and pour the boiling water over them. Let it steep for several hours or overnight.
  2. Remove the peels from the water and discard them.
  3. In a separate bowl, combine the grated soap, washing soda, and borax.
  4. Slowly pour the citrus peel-infused water into the soap mixture while stirring continuously to form a paste-like consistency.
  5. Transfer the citrus peel laundry soap into a container.

Specialty Laundry Soap Recipes

In addition to the basic and natural homemade laundry soap recipes, there are a few specialty recipes that cater to specific needs. These recipes are formulated to address common laundry challenges such as stain removal, caring for delicate fabrics like wool, and dealing with hard water. Let’s explore these specialty laundry soap recipes:

Recipe 9: Homemade Stain Removal Laundry Soap

Stains can be stubborn and frustrating, but with this homemade stain removal laundry soap, you can tackle those tough stains effectively. The ingredients in this recipe are known for their stain-fighting properties, helping to lift and eliminate stains from your clothes.

Washing soda
Liquid castile soap
Essential oil (optional)

To create this stain removal laundry soap, follow these steps:

  1. In a container, mix 1 cup of washing soda1 cup of borax, and 1 cup of OxiClean.
  2. Add 1/2 cup of liquid castile soap to the dry mixture and stir well to combine. You can also add a few drops of your favorite essential oil for a pleasant scent.
  3. Store the mixture in an airtight container.

When it’s time to tackle a stain, apply a small amount of the stain removal laundry soap directly to the stained area. Let it sit for a few minutes, then wash the garment as you normally would.

Recipe 10: Delicates and Wool Laundry Soap

Delicate fabrics, including wool, require special care to maintain their quality and appearance. This homemade laundry soap is specifically designed to gently cleanse and protect your delicate garments.

Mild liquid soap
Distilled water
Lavender essential oil (optional)

Follow these steps to make the delicates and wool laundry soap:

  1. Mix 1/4 cup of mild liquid soap with 1/2 cup of distilled water in a container.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of glycerin to the mixture and stir well. Glycerin helps to keep delicate fabrics soft and supple.
  3. If desired, add a few drops of lavender essential oil for a soothing fragrance.
  4. Transfer the mixture to a bottle with a tight-fitting lid.

To use this laundry soap, add a small amount to a basin of water and gently agitate your delicates or wool garments. Rinse thoroughly and allow them to air dry. Remember to always check the care instructions on your garments before washing.

Recipe 11: Homemade Laundry Soap for Hard Water

Hard water can pose a challenge when it comes to achieving clean and fresh-smelling laundry. This homemade laundry soap recipe is specially formulated to combat the effects of hard water, allowing you to achieve optimal cleaning results.

Washing soda
Baking soda

To create this laundry soap for hard water, follow these steps:

  1. In a container, mix 1 cup of washing soda1 cup of borax1 cup of baking soda, and 1/2 cup of salt.
  2. Stir the ingredients together until well combined.
  3. Store the mixture in an airtight container.

When doing laundry in hard water, add a scoop of this homemade laundry soap to your washing machine along with your regular detergent. The combination of ingredients helps to soften the water and prevent mineral deposits on your clothes.

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